June 17, 2015
Class 1
I just wanted to thank everyone for
coming out to class. Below are some of my class notes. I'm planning to list the moves and combos learned in class, each week. Although they
won't be as detailed in the future, I thought that this basic
information would be good to have the these essential movements used
in bellydance. I really enjoyed class tonight and I'm already
looking forward to next week!
- Feet: hip width apart
- Weight should be evenly distributed between the balls of the feet and heels.
- Soft bend in knees.
- Neutral pelvis
- Chest slightly lifted and activated by drawing the shoulders back.
- Long neck.
- Make sure that the head is at a neutral position (not to far forward or back).
1. Glute squeezes with oblique muscles
to create hip ups:
Squeeze the glute which corresponds
with the hip which is intended to be lifted.
The up in on the downbeat.
2. Glute squeezes with oblique
muscles to create hip downs:
Squeeze the opposite glutenous muscles
to push the hip down.
The down is on the downbeat.
- Hip drops: Begin with weight on one leg, the foot on the opposing leg should be in releve. then hip is lifted with oblique muscles and opposite glutenous muscles create the drop
- Hip lifts: Begin with weight on one leg, the foot on the opposing leg should be in releve. The lift is driven by the glutenous muscles corresponding with the hip being lifted
- Hip slides: driven by the oblique muscles. Use the abdominal muscles to maintain a steady pelvis. Please ensure that the hips stay parallel to the floor.
- Hip circles
- Circle step traveling move: step together, step, touch with hip circle.
- Basic Egyptian: step, touch with ups
Combo: 8 counts of Basic Egyptian, then
transition into 8 counts of a circle step, then 8 counts of a hip
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